Saturday, February 18, 2006

Descanso sketch crawl

My first sketch crawl (what's a sketch crawl?).
Four of us braved the threat of rain to draw at Descanso Gardens. Sure, it was a little cold and a little drizzley, but we got in a few great hours of sketching and painting and a few more of coffee and just sharing thoughts on art, creativity and life.
A pretty great way to spend a Saturday, I'd say. We hope to get together at Descanso to draw the gardens as they change day to day, season by season. Stay tuned for more Sketch Crawl (I keep typing 'Sketch Drawl') drawings all 'round Southern California, too.

Click here to go to the flickr site to see a slide show of my sketches (you can see them in a larger size and at a better resolution, I think. And you can read my notes, too) and photos, as well.

See more sketches by Robin and Karen.


Nina Berry said...

Wen, these are great! The sketch crawl sounds wonderful. Makes me wish I could draw. Also enjoyed Robin and Karen's stuff on their sites. Go, artists!

Desiree's Designs said...

Hi Wendee,
I love your drawings, makes me feel like I was there. I was unable to make it, one of the people who flaked but next time for sure.