20080324_EatonCyn Click to see this photo's flickr page
I'm behind posting about my adventures. If you're following my additions to Flickr, you're caught up. No one's commented about the bigness of that cookie, though, so who knows.
On Easter Sunday we went back to Eaton Canyon, and after pondering the "steep, narrow, dusty, shadeless, winding" qualities of Walnut Canyon, I decided to go with "No, you go on up. I'll sit and draw". It was about mid-day, and a lot of the photos were pretty washed out by that screaming Southern California sun. I had a tough time finding a spot that was left me both in the shade and in the quiet.
The one reason we keep making that long drive out to Pasadena (the steep, narrow hikes? I don't think so) is to get more yummy curry at Hurry Curry.
what a great way to spend easter! i went to the gym and cleaned the house. not as much fun as your sketch trip. lovely white against the colored paper. i really love this one. :O)
Thanks! It ended up being a nice way to celebrate Easter, even if we didn't set out for it to be an Easter celebration thing. I was thinking about you and your giving up wheat ...
We need to plan an outing!!! I love how you do trees and branches...so delicate and flowing. So you were in Zion recently? I love it there, hiking the Virgin River, sketching, sightseeing.....all so wonderful t experience!
Thank you for the messsage you left at my blog today. It was sweet to think that you thought of me while on your walk.
My previous couple of entries at LJ I locked out anonymous viewers as my children know I blog there. I thought of you when I placed the lock on, and felt badly as I do consider you a friend! I hope that you were not offended by this.
The past couple of weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster because of issues the kids have as well as marital issues. While I try to keep the angst at a minimum in my blog, I had to spill somewhere.
My daily life is filled with people who don't have a clue, and I am comfortable with that. We live in a small community and my husband is a successful business man, and while sometimes it feels like we project a false front, I think it is better for everyone involved. Besides, I don't like being a drama queen, and don't believe in airing dirty laundry for the neighbors to gossip about.
It was bad enough when some neighbor boys decided to decorate the neighbor's pine tree with my nursing bras when we first moved here thirteen years ago. LOL. Talk about embarassing! The neighbor lady comes over to introduce herself and to ask if the armload of bras she was carrying were mine!
Bless you for brightening my day. You are a beautiful person and I hope that someday we can meet in person. Hugs. ~Roma
@Marta - yes, we were at Zion. It was spectacular!
@Roma - Thank you! xoxoxo!
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