Saturday, March 08, 2008

Cherry blossoms at Descanso

Around the house tonight: "Daylight savings? What? We spring forward tonight?! Hey, can't we get some kind of heads-up, here? Maybe a time-out from politics? Hello!
[Both checking different calendars] Oh ... wait, it's here. Argh. But, still!"

Cherry Blossoms Click to see this photo's flickr page
Arty note: watercolor pencils. I removed the label from the sketch book, so I can't remember the brand or type paper, but, yes, the paper is toned, maybe even recycled, and not too rough, like normal tan craft paper typically is. I've been enjoying working on the toned paper lately. I sure wish my arms were toned. But I digress.

I stopped over at Descanso Gardens Friday, since I was in the area. I knew the cherry blossoms (I want to type "cheery") were in bloom and wanted to see them - the ones by the Tea House are just about finishing up, a little tired-looking. But certainly worth sitting and sketching for a little bit.

I walked over to the Rose Gardens, but, the roses aren't in bloom yet. There was, though, one cherry tree just bursting with glorious, delicate white blossoms. To stand underneath it and look up into the blue sky with layers and layers of endless flowers was just heavenly. I would have stayed even longer, lingering in this reverie (yes, I know: you can imagine) taking pictures and soaking it all in, but the bees were out, enjoying this all, too. I know well enough to share.

What you can't hear: 'Bzzz!'
Cherry Blossoms Click to see this photo's flickr page

The rest of the set, including a few of a clump of very perky poppies (I worry that I will type "puppies", or perhaps, worse, "poopies") in the parking lot, here.


Unknown said...

You would tease with the beautiful sketch and photo of cherry blossoms when I am snowed in 6 feet under. Well not quite 6 feet more like 3.

heavy sigh i wish spring was here but it is coming. Thanks for the thoughts of spring.

sandy said...

Oh I love Descanzo Gardens. Haven't been there for a couple years. I heard Huntington Gardens has a new oriental garden. Can't wait to see that.

Love the sketch.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the lovely, uplifting comments that you have left in my blog recently, and the virtual biscotti... which reminds me, I still have some in my freezer from Christmas...hmmm... but I digress.

Yep, most days I love my dog. He sits on my feet while I am at the computer, too. However, I cannot coax him into my studio ever since the easel fell on top of him. LOL! Now THAT was a sight! I literally fell on the floor laughing.

Your part of the world looks soooo beautiful. I can almost smell the blossoms as I read your entry.

Ha-ha-ha!!! I DO have a field of poopies out my back door now that the snow is almost all melted!

Hugs, Roma

Anonymous said...

Hey! what do you know... I actually have cherry blossom trees at my house. Didn't know it till they started to blossom this week. I moved in last month and they have been bare till now... Bare... that reminds me of when you drew a brace on a bear leg...! Ha Ha...

Anonymous at work ...

Wendee said...

Thanks everyone.

@Toni - It's nice now, but you realize that by the time you're enjoying spring there, we'll be well on our way to our long BROWN months of summer. Got to enjoy everything when we can, each in its season.

@Sandy - thanks for stopping by! Oh yes, you should stop by! See the edible lawn display, too!

@Roma - Oh, biscotti. In the freezer? I don't think it would last long enough in our freezer to actually forget about it ;)
Oh, fields of poopies. Yes, that's one thing I *don't miss! LOL

@AatW - Oh god. I'd forgotten about that. Bear leg. Sigh...