Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I've been hibernating. Yes, Fall might have finally arrived in Southern California (this summer was pretty mild, truth be told). J and I are still expecting one good blast of 90+ degree temperatures that will cause one more tremendous explosion of germinating spores, giving me one last bout with hayfever before it's all said and done. Ai.


Which involves fattening up:

After 6 weeks of searching not-as-obsessively-as-you're-imagining for a lone chocolate cupcake in celebration of my birthday, here we go! Finally! I was a bit disappointed that it didn't have chocolate frosting and sprinkles as well, until this fine cupcake rolled off its plate and onto my white shirt. The basically white oreo icing was just fine, thank you.
Okay, and, no, I'm not really fattening up.
And you're also thanking me for not posting a 'Large' sized photo of the cupcake, while we're at it. Go ahead and click it, I dare you! [drool].

and pondering:

Mondo Beyondo Dream Lab: Play Practice Learn

and gathering with friends:

Patti Digh's reading in San Diego and Jane LaFazio snapping a photo of Patti's watercolor paintings (Patti is taking Jane's online Sketchbook and Watercolor: Journal Style class).

and worrying about the MoneyPlant, which seems to be in some kind of distress, dropping its leaves ...


Donna said...

Looks yummy! Happy Birthday.

Wendee said...

It sure was. I think chocolate frosting would've been even yummier, but boy what a mess it would've been! ;-)

Jane LaFazio said...

great seeing you and thanks for the mention...xoxo